Saturday, September 7, 2013

I've finally gotten back in here! I started this blog three years ago, right after I'd been laid off. I posted fairly regularly (for me) until I started a new job. Since then, I have not been able to get back into this site because I forgot my password. On most sites, if you forget your password, there are simple ways to recover and get back in. Not here. The recovery options expect you to know when you created your account (over three years ago...) and when you last accessed it. The "last accessed" was easy, as it was when I last posted, and those are dated. But... when I created the account? Are you kidding? I guessed, and was wrong, and it didn't work. Finally, I tried logging in with an ancient password that I used for many years. Bingo, that was it. I wonder how many blogs are on this site that the owners can't get into, and have given up on. I wonder if the administrators care at all. I doubt it; there's no way to reach out to a human being for help.

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