Saturday, September 7, 2013

Cabin Fever

I live in Colorado. The weather can be weird all year. Lately, we've had a lot of wind and dry, sunny days. But we can have snowstorms any time between now and June.

I've been working pretty hard since I started my new job in January, and I have a deep "Burnin' yearnin'" to get the hell out of Denver, you might say. I want to go spend a few days/nights somewhere quiet, with no electricity or traffic.

My husband, much as I love him, and my son are both homebodies. Their idea of a good time is to stay right here at home where they are safe and there's running water and a reliable furnace.

I've been looking at campgrounds here in Colorado, and thinking about booking a cabin for a night or two, and running away... but if I got caught in a snowstorm or a wildfire, I could not stand to hear my dear husband say "I told you so..."

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