Saturday, May 22, 2010

Finished my yarn room!

I have a room for my yarn and fiber arts projects. Yes, a whole room. For the past three years I have struggled to keep it tidy and somewhat organized. Since I've been unemployed the past four months, I have finally succeeded.
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, the famous Yarn Harlot, has commented frequently that a stash like mine cannot be believed by the non-knitting public. Those who don't knit or crochet will simply not believe that anyone would want to own this much yarn.

I've been putting the stuff into bins over the years, and stacking them in the closet of my yarn room. I'm not sure how long I've had a yarn room, but it's been at least 5 years. It helps somewhat; I still have project bags all over the house, but at least I had a place to throw them when company came over.

In the picture below, you see the North wall of my yarn room. Well, you see most of it. You can't see the bottom shelf of the racks. There is another row of these big bins below what you can see here. Each bin is labeled with masking tape (easy to change) and the contents. Contents are general, like "Sock Yarns" or "Wool/Alpaca Blend Yarns"

In the next picture, you can see the NE corner of the room. The black rack contains more bins, but it also contains my prized tools. I have a good collection of knitting needles, crochet hooks, drop spindles, and spinning paraphenalia.

In the picture at the top of the blog, I've placed the sock yarn bin on the table. It contains enough yarn for me to knit nothing but socks for about five years. And it's just ONE of the bins on these shelves.

I have:
one small bin of variegated sock yarns
one big bin of solid color sock yarns
two large bins full of superwash worsted wool yarns
two large bins of alpaca/wool blend yarns
two large bins full of alpaca yarns
two large bins of wool/mohair blend yarns
two large bins of cotton and cotton blend yarns
one small bin of silk blend yarns
ten large bins of spinnable fiber: wool, superwash wool, alpaca, mohair, and angora.
Also, two of the shelves are covered with Works In Progress (WIP) and I have a HUGE bin of Un Finished Objects (UFO) in the closet. The closet also contains my go-box for teaching spinning and dyeing classes, and a big pile of bins containing washed fleeces and more spinning fibers.

Obsessed? Maybe.


  1. Do we need to call "Hoarders"????? I'm hoping to have my sewing room fixed up like that! :)

  2. Wow. I totally love it. Can I come over & play in it?
